Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Felt Creations

I made these mostly from free patterns I found on the Internet, and some I just drew myself. At this point I had no idea what a blanket stitch was! Oh dear! I need to redo them again!

What Started it All

Although I've loved crafts all my life, it had been a while since I had spent a significant amount of time making stuff. I'm a stay at home mom of two kids, the girl, 3.5 years old and little dude, a 1.5 years old active little boy.

One morning last November, I woke up before the kids, and being unable to fall asleep again, I decided to tip-toe downstairs and sat on my rocking chair while perusing through a Pottery Barn Kids catalogue. The house was quiet, and for the first time in a while I was able to look at a catalogue without interruptions!

I came across this cute set of fabric cupcakes, and I told myself: "I bet I could make these!". When the husband got up, I told him that I was feeling crafty and that I wanted to go to Michael's to buy felt. After coming back with my felt squares, I went on line to look at patterns, and pictures. I'm the kind of person who like to figure things out. That's when I realized that felt crafts were like a cult! Oh my goodness! I could make practically anything I wanted out of felt: apples, cupcakes, bananas, pizza, houses, flowers! Then I stumble into Etsy, and I knew I was lost.

It's been non-stop since then, but for the very first time in my life, I felt like a fish in water, wait! no, like a fish in the ocean, with many places to go and crafts to discover!